From 2017-2019 I organised a Halloween event for Klimbos Nederland. This consisted of being able to climb in the parkours during the night and having scare actors running around to scare the guest both inside and outside of the parkours. Each year would tell a different story and take guest on another interactive tour through the forest before going up in the trees. These tours would consist of performances by actors, challenges and games which would all tell the guest the story that would be playing out in the forest that year.
Due to the low budget nature of the event, it always made for a lot of creative problem-solving which taught me a lot.
Haunted Forest 2019
With the third year of this event we went back to basics. A new concept was created and shared with the other forests. The Ghost tour that stared off every guests visit was once again expended. Now consisting of two routes. One for people who'd go in to the woods to climb in the parkours. And an extended version with extra games and shows for people how'd like to stay on the ground. Both groups would take place in a big game where they'd collect different bands throughout the night to get a reward at the end of their visit. All based around the following story:
Dark twisted children are being born all over the world. Their evil behavior makes them a great danger to our society. Thats why these children are hidden away in secret institutions all over the world.
One of these is hidden right under this forest.
Hidden meters underground, there is a gigantic complex. Here the children are locked up and re-educated by specialized doctors in order to later return to society.
Hidden meters underground, there is a gigantic complex. Here the children are locked up and re-educated by specialized doctors in order to later return to society.
But they are still children and if there's one thing that they love, it's candy. Halloween is just around the corner which makes them eager for these sweets. Now the children have managed to escape and set off. They terrorize the forest and are out for mischief.
It's up to you to return these children to the institution. Do you dare to take on this challenge?

3 short promo video's
Atmosphere impression 2018

Haunted forest 2018
When the second year came around I wanted to a brand new concept. Yet certain restrictions forced us to make a continuation of last year's story. In the first year we introduced the guest to the story with a small ghost tour through the forest. This year we expanded on this by making it bigger and more elaborate. We also included a separate ticket for people who only wanted to walk the ghost tour and not climb in to the trees. The story continues with:
Exactly one year ago, a group of archaeologists desecrated the ground of the Bergse Forest in their search for an indigenous tribe. Legend has it that thousands of years ago in this dense forest was home to a group of shadowy people who'd travel deep in to the forest at night to hunt.
One night the tribe was ambushed and driven back to their homes; to be brutally murdered there. The tribe was buried, but the innocent blood cursed the ground in which they rest. So that every year, on the night of All Hallows Eve, they will leave their graves to wander through the woods of Bergen op Zoom eager for revenge.
Determined to lift the curse; Professor Van Rijen once again sets up camp on the edge of the Brabantse Wal. Dark clouds are gathering over the tops of the trees as an ancient battle is about to begin.

Promo video 2018
Atmosphere impression 2018

Aftermovie 2018
Haunted forest 2017
In 2017 I challenged myself to improve the annual Halloween event held by Klimbos Nederland. It used to simply be a night in which people were allowed to climb during the night-time. I wanted to turn this into a true Halloween event by introducing scare actors and a storyline into the mix. The concept would be designed in such a way Each of the forest could have a guideline of what to work with and execute it in their own way. This years story went as followed:
The legend tells that in the distant past, an indigenous tribe lived in the forests of Bergen op Zoom. With their hollow eyes, jet-black hair and sharp voice they seized anyone who dared to enter the forest. Until one fateful day the Clan mysteriously disappeared. The years passed and the tribe was forgotten; for over 2000 years no one has heard from the shadowy forest inhabitants.
Professor van Rijen and his team of archaeologists and scientists have set up a camp in the heart of the Brabantse Wal. According to legend, this is where the chieftain's hut stood. Determined to find evidence to support the existence of the tribe, the professor decides to spend the night in the Bergse Forest. Dark clouds are gathering over the trees as the night of All Hallows Eve draws closer.
When the forest stops singing, the wind howls through the branches and an ominous mist finds its way through the trees; disaster is near. In the distance comes a howling, panting, and horrifying cry from the tribe. No one is safe anymore as the dead roam the earth in their frantic quest for blood and revenge.

Atmosphere impression 2017

Aftermovie 2017
All scare-actors and scripts were done in collaboration with Sander Nijsen of theatre foundation JONG.
Promo video's and after movies done in collaboration with STERCK FILM