Yard Act 50 pence pieces (2022)
3D printed Yard Act coins (2022)

Yard Act using the coins as props for their 5 day residency at the Brudenell Social Club

Spookslot closer comemerance statue (2022)
Spookslot animation (2022)

3D printed Spookslot homage statue

3D render

Texture painting for the sign on the front

First design sketch
Ant from the sky 3D model (2022)

Ant from the sky 3D print (2022)

The Suit, 3D printed vase as an homage to Talking Head's Stop Making Sense (2023)

Some recent experiments (2023)

Series of experiments using Octane render software (2022)

Los Bitchos Let the Festivites Begin cake (2022)
Los Bitchos cake animation (2022) (used to promote the kick-off of their 2022 tour on Instagram)

Trout Mask Replica action figure (2022)

Robot sclupt (2021)